Advenutre Race Coaching

Krissy Gets Ready for the Spring Challenge with the Help of Coach Ray

My team mate and I attended Ray’s “Spring Challenge Training weekend” on the West Coast. Having read that Ray was an actual “drill sergeant”, we were feeling pretty nervous about what the next few days entailed. What it ended up being was a totally awesome few days gaining insights into all aspects of adventure racing – from bike maintenance, map reading and compass skills, to uphill/downhill rides, bike skills and a bit of running thrown in for good measure. Finishing up on day two with an actual mini “event” bringing all components together was brilliant. We went home from the weekend feeling like we were really well prepared for the impending Spring Challenge. We were novices.  Other teams on the weekend were experienced and a mix of open and vets. No matter where we sat on the spectrum, we all got heaps out of the training.

It was a really great chance to fine tune our skills, learn some new ones, gain some experience in a simulated event and not only gain knowledge from Ray on all aspects of adventure racing, but also from the other teams attending. Not only did we get some extra tips over dinner with Ray, but when we were at the Spring Challenge we caught up with him after the briefing, just in time for him to look over our route choice and give us a few pointers. I would definitely recommend coach Ray’s training weekend.  We will be back for sure!

– Krissy Archer


Get my one of my Spring Challenge Training Plans through Training Peaks. Results Guaranteed. Purchase here. Use discount code CR15 to get a 15% discount.

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