Fartlek Intervals

Friday Fartlek Run – Lance Watson’s Short Hill Reps B

Running in hills develops leg strength as well as the strength of the tendons and ligaments around the knee and ankle. Developing leg strength is important, as it makes for a more powerful contraction of the leg muscles to propel you forward faster. Including hills regularly, particularly early in your build up will see great dividends in the improvement of your running. This workout is great to include early in your build up to develop leg strength.

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Run Session

Friday Fartlek Run – Lance Watson’s Short Hill Reps A

Running in hills develops leg strength as well as the strength of the tendons and ligaments around the knee and ankle. Developing leg strength is important, as it makes for a more powerful contraction of the leg muscles to propel you forward faster. Including hills regularly, particularly early in your build-up will see great dividends in the improvement of your running. This workout is great to include early in your build-up to develop leg strength.

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Brick Workout

Monday Brick: Lance Watson’s Xterra Taper Brick

A brick session is a great way to develop your body for the rigours of transitioning from one discipline to the next. This version is perfect for utilising in the final weeks leading into an Xterra race – optimally about four to five days prior to race day.

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Lance Watson

Friday Fartlek Run: Lance Watson’s Hill Reps A

Running in hills develops leg strength as well as the strength of the tendons and ligaments around the knee and ankle. Developing leg strength is important, as it makes for a more powerful contraction of the leg muscles to propel you forward faster. Including hills regularly, particularly early in your build-up will see great dividends in the improvement of your running. This workout is great to include early in your build-up to develop leg strength.

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Friday Fartlek Run – Lance Watson’s Xterra Hill Set B

Running in hills develops leg strength and the strength of the tendons and ligaments around the knee and ankle. Developing leg strength is important, as it makes for a more powerful contraction of the leg muscles to propel you forward faster. Including hills regularly, particularly early in your build-up will see great dividends in the improvement of your running. This workout is great to include early in your build-up to develop leg strength.

View More Friday Fartlek Run – Lance Watson’s Xterra Hill Set B