Tri Swim Coach

Saturday Swim Session: Cameron McEvoy – The Hardest Sets Ever #3

Com Games Gold medalist & Olympic Bronze medalist, Cameron McEvoy has swum some tough sets during his career, over the next few weeks I’m going expose you to a number of his toughest training sets (and variations for mere mortals).

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Tri Swim Coach

Tuesday Training Plan: Fitness Swimming Training Plan (Intermediate 8-week Plan) 3 swims per week

This programme will build your swimming fitness and develop your confidence and speed in the water even more.
Designed for Beginner & Intermediate triathletes and swimmers who are looking to improve their swimming fitness.

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Tri Swim Coach

Saturday Swim Session: 25/75 Hike

Speed builds your fitness and gives you top end speed. For open water swimmers and triathletes this can assist with getting out through waves quickly but also helps develop the efficiency of the heart and lungs. This is a great session for triathletes and open water swimmers to do to build their top end speed.

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Tri Swim Coach

Saturday Swim Session: The Indicator

This is a great test session that can be done every fortnight to keep a check of your progress. This is a great session for triathletes and open water swimmers to do to build their sustained speed.

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Tri Swim Coach

Saturday Swim Session: Ferris’ Folly

This session is also known as Up Down Ladder by 100. It is great for developing and improving your ability to pace your longer swims, as well as negative split 1,500s and longer. This is a great session for triathletes and open water swimmers to do to build their sustained speed.

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Tri Swim Coach

Saturday Swim Session: GTN’s Sub-Hour Ironman Swim Progression Set

Completing the Ironman Swim in under 60 minutes is a significant achievement. Consistent pacing and sustained effort is the key to achieving this goal. This session tests your capability to maintain the pace and is a breakdown of a longer set. This is a great session for triathletes and open water swimmers to do to build their sustained speed.

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Tri Swim Coach

Saturday Swim Session: GTN’s Sub-Hour Ironman Swim Session #2

Completing the Ironman Swim in under 60 minutes is a significant achievement. Consistent pacing and sustained effort is the key to achieving this goal. This is a great session for triathletes and open water swimmers to do to build their sustained speed.

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Tri Swim Coach

Saturday Swim Session: Swim Smooth’s Dense Mist Session

With COVID lockdowns limiting time allowances in the pool, some coaches have come up with inventive ways to maximise training stimuli. Although I usually fully support a good structured Warm Up (WU), inclusion of some drill work to develop technique. Occasionally just going hell for leather and swimming hard all session within a restricted duration, leaves you to maximise you fitness with minimal time available.

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Tri Swim Coach

Saturday Swim Session: Broken 150’s

I’ve been working on a new Fitness Swim Training Plan to improve your swimming over 8 weeks. The sessions for this programme are between 1,500m and 2,100m long and there are three sessions each week. I’ve got variations of the training plan for people who can complete four or five swims each week, as well as for people who can only fit two swims per week. As well as a 12, 16 and 20 week variation of the programme. This session is a key session in the programme.

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Swim Sessions

Saturday Swim Session: Sprints

Regular sprint sessions can help build and develop your speed and the ability to sustain that speed. This session is perfect for Ironman and Olympic distance triathletes or people doing longer Ocean Swims.

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