Windtrainer Session

Wednesday Wind Trainer Session: 30min Single Leg Drills (SLD)

A great session to enhance both your recovery from hard sessions and also to improve your cycling technique.

Each Wednesday I’ll post a Windtrainer Workout that you can do in about 60 minutes to enhance your cycling. See a previous post about training intensity (Levels) to know how hard to work. If you are working directly with Coach Ray he will in most cases prescribe either a Power Zone or Heart Rate Zone to work within if you are training with these tools.

10x 30sec Single Leg Drills (SLD)

  • 10min Warm Up Level II;
  • 10x 30sec SLD, 30sec RI;
  • 10min Cool Down Level I-II;
  • 10min Stretching

The warm-up should be done at an intensity that is steady but not over consuming at Level II.

For the main set unclip one leg and pedal with a single leg for 30 seconds prior to clipping the other foot back in and continuing to pedal with both legs for a further 30 seconds.  On each minute alternate legs, repeating a total of ten times (five on each side).

The cool-down is at a low intensity with minimal resistance on the trainer.

Finish with 10 minutes of stretching to assist with your recovery. 

The next time you do this session increase to 10x 35sec SLD, 25sec RI. Each time you do the session increase the SLD by 5 seconds and decrease the RI by 5 seconds, so you are still changing legs every minute. Build up to 10x 50sec SLD, 10sec RI. That will still allow enough time to clip in and out and get the other leg set up and ready to go.

I do not recommend doing this session whilst riding on the road.

Here is my data from doing the workout.

If you would like further advice feel free to contact me.

I am the Head Coach & Director of Qwik Kiwi – Endurance Sports Consultant.

I specialise in assisting first-timers and recreational athletes to achieve their sporting goals. I can be contacted at and 021 348 729.

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Download the Garmin (.FIT) and Zwift (.ZWO) files for this workout for FREE

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