This week I had one of my Races. The Tasman Secondary Schools Cross Country race. The one against all the high schools in the top of the South Island of NZ. Just coming back from a weeks rest due to injury, probably wasn’t the best build up for the race, but I managed to race well. Starting off with a chilly, cold, bitter, morning, on my gentle race day shake out run. I had my race at 1pm, so had to go to school first, on that day I also had a….
Chemistry internal, that could not be reassessed. So the nerves were bubbling and boiling before I even got to the warm up! After finishing the Chemistry test that I could do so far I still had about 2 hours until my race. “Phew” a sigh of relief as I jump into the car and drive to the event, pumped to race.
The race was U19 boys, 6km cross country. It wasn’t as hilly as I like but it was still pretty good. I love cross country as you get to run over various terrains as fast as you can while trying to beat another 100 people or so in your race. I especially love the long distance, anywhere between 3-10km as this is the most fun in my opinion, as it gives you time to overtake speed up etc, whilst still going at a solid pace.
At the starting line waiting for the gun, there wasn’t that many this year only about 50 people. Everyone tense as the wait for the trigger. “BANG” were we off a bunch of about 10 of us took the front me included. Then after the first lap we were just down to about 5 then and the last lap the pace picked up as me and two others left the rest of the field and charged ahead. The last 1km approached and one of the other runners kicked, and gained about 30 meters the other guy went as well, but I couldn’t hang on, trying to close the gap at the last 200m I got the gap to about 20 meters but it was to late.

I ended up getting 3rd, I was pretty happy as the other two competitors were 17 turning 18 this year and I had just turned 16, so overall good result. I have about three weeks until nationals now, so hopefully everything goes as planned in the build up for that and I do well. Will talk about this in a few weeks time.

I then had to rush back to finish my exam I had started earlier, “life can be a rush.”
Luke Clatworthy (Clatters Chatter)
Read last weeks article below
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