Jess Bray

Monday’s with Jessica [Ep 38] – Time For Some Recovery

This past week my body has felt every sore muscle that I’ve experienced, recovery has been important, as all the running and training leading up to my race last week is just catching me now.

With the great results from my race it has really kept me consistent as I know what results can be produced through consistent and accurate trainings, and the training days is providing it, helping me reach each step towards my goals.

When switching to more running focused I very quickly noticed a change in many aspects, from change in muscle strength, level of hunger and mainly the amount of fatigue and soreness I receive consistently, and from this I’ve had to prioritise key things to make sure I can perform and train at my best to get the most out of them.

Making sure I’m fuelling my body with enough but also with the right things to help with energy and recovery, stretching and rolling out my muscles to help them and try to avoid injury and discomfort, and making sure I’m resting enough when I can. This means not doing anything that I think will effect my recovery and body, and having spas and naps to ensure that I’m doing everything to keep on top of my health, as if I don’t I know the outcome won’t be what I want.

– Jessica Bray

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