That time is coming again, In about 4 days time my last cross country race before the road season will commence. I’m excited for this one as its the national race held in Wellington, NZ and I’m looking to do well in my age group.
Hey guys Luke here, today I will be discussing pre race thoughts, how training in preparation has gone and lastly what the race is.
My body is feeling a little tired at the moment and I cannot wait for a good sleep. After the cross country I’m going to have a week of downtime, to repair and recover.
My training has gone really well, I have enjoyed very much every aspect of it and Coach Ray has given me some tough workouts, which were very challenging. Like for example 12×2 minutes at VO2 Max. I worked my socks off to keep the pace up for the best I could. I did pretty well and managed to achieve 11 out of the twelve, just below VO2 Max.

I have had something that has been nagging me in my training and that’s my top end speed. I have been trying to work on it for the last couple of months in football and not much has changed, so I’m a little disappointed I could not improve this. Hopefully I can, tips on this soon from a friend, to try and improve my speed. This will then hopefully increase all the other zones such as Threshold, VO2 Max, etc.
Coach Ray this time had given me less workouts like threshold, So I’m not sure what state my lactic acid in my lungs will clear [please note that lactic acid gets cleared in the liver not lungs I will be catching up with Luke and clear this up with him – Coach Ray], hopefully pretty fast.
So the race as mentioned above is in Wellington NZ, Its 6km cross country course that has a few little rolling hills, which will suit me well, as well as some flat parts. I leave Nelson at 7:30 am to get the boat over there and my race is at 10.40am on the Sunday as of last night.

This race will be hard because it’s another national event. But I believe I have done well and am able to do quite well in the Race and possibly even look to get top ten finish in the end, if all goes as planned.
I can’t change anything much now its all up to me and how I enter the race. I have to believe that I can do it.
Thanks for reading my post today and I will inform you all how the race went in next weeks article.
Luke Clatworthy (Clatters Chatter)
Read Luke’s article from last week:
All Luke’s previous articles can be found here: