Around 3 months ago I was given Coach Ray’s contact details. As I sat talking to him via FB and he said he was sitting on the side of the pool delaying getting in the water, I thought yep this coach seems normal. This is what I need!

We then spoke on the phone a few days later, he was natural, and firm, and while he asked a lot of questions he also actually listened for the answers!! I was still slightly hesitant, but when he said he doesn’t do “half-ass athletes” on his calendar, I knew I had to decide if I was fully committed or fully out. There would be no halfway with this man!!
I decided “fully in” is the only way I want to start this next chapter of my life. And wow, what a start this journey has been.
My fabulous, supportive coach is more than just a sports coach. He is almost my life coach! He keeps things in perspective for me. He won’t let me take the easy road, is supportive, and makes sure all areas of my life are kept even and accountable.
While our coaching relationship has just begun the trust I feel with Ray is amazing. I very much doubt I could embark on this journey without him!!
– Tash McCosh
If like Tash you have got a big goal you need assistance to complete, apply to join Team Qwik Kiwi.

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