Have a watch this short 2-minute video where Tash describes how Coach Ray’s training has assisted her to get fitter and faster as a result.
“He holds you accountable and it’s the accountability that has made my training programme so effective.
Ray has been the BOMB….understands all my needs, as well as my lifestyle and being able to fit everything [training-wise] around that and [he] is really, really good at that.
[I] recommend him, totally recommend him, he’s getting more results than I thought was possible. Those results come from his knowledge and experience and that open communication that you can have with him to assist you in achieving your goals.”
– Tash Chambers
If like Tash you have got a big goal you need assistance to complete, apply to join Team Qwik Kiwi.

Click here for more information: https://www.coachray.nz/get-coached-coach-ray/coaching