Lisa’s Journey, Week 26: Head in the clouds…

I had a message from Ray who’d obviously seen a workout and said I looked like I was walking up in the clouds.  I wasn’t sure what he meant until I saw the picture.  Haha nothing gets past him!

Up in clouds…

Up in the clouds and away with the fairies. This week has felt like a bit of shit show to be honest. Nothing too major, but I am a Taurus and true to my star sign I like routine and thats been messed with.  I lost my right hand man at the start of the week.  I had forgotten how convenient it was having a husband on hand so I could just flit off and exercise when I felt the need. (No, he’s not divorced me, just work).

But then you’re like shit, I’ve lost my lawn mower, pool boy, chef,  general maintenance man, all the jobs that consume valuable exercise time. For the first time ever, I don’t actually care if the lawns brown off and STOP GROWING! All this warm, rainy weather is growing heaven!

Fyffe Palmer, a peep at the peninsula.

So exercise took a back row seat.   I didn’t run, but did just a couple of hikes.  I concluded that I’m not super women and I’m not pretending to be. I’m not sitting on my ass eating cake, so all is not lost. Well I’ll confirm that maybe in next weeks blog after Sunday’s stint in the tri.

My heel soreness is still there.  I had some acupuncture which felt good.  I am still a tad worried because I’ve not run in such a long time, which is why it feels better. I’m too scared to try to run before Sunday just in case I hurt it more. Fingers crossed I can actually still run 5km. I may just set a new ‘slowest’ record. Truth be told, I’ll just be happy if I can finish. I’ve managed to get a cold too, so she’s all go.

Bush walking

The dog is enjoying our wee track outings a lot more now.  I had my wee buddy come along tonight which I loved. We quickly did it before a meeting and with the southerly having gone through last night the air was nice fresh!

Here’s to winging it!

Until next week.

Over and Out!!

– Lisa Harris

Now that Lisa has completed the 10km Kaikoura Whale Run, she has agreed to continue writing to continue to inspire other people out there to get started and make a positive change. Check in next Tuesday for her next article.

Read Lisa’s article from last week here:

Lisa’s Journey, Week 25: Just dive right in…

And all her previous articles are stored here:







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