Lisa’s Journey, Week 39: Heat, Hill Reps & Healing…

Ray threw a couple of new workouts in there for me this week – the old hill reps. I’d have to say though, I wasn’t overly enjoying the first session much. Once my heart and leg muscles warmed up after the first couple of uphills, I knew there was only a couple to go, so I pushed on and next minute I was on my way down and into cool down mode and home!!

But by geez it was hot!!! I don’t really do heat well, but it does feel good to have a nice sweat out. I can’t handle sweating during the day, but slap on the sports gear – and lets get our sweat on, although 28degs did feel like 38!!

Wee cool down, and stretching. My face looks nearly as cerise as my gloves….

I love this weather though going from melting to wearing a puffa jacket again in just a day. The lawns and paddocks are already looking greener, and the plants happier!

On Friday I went to Christchurch to see a podiatrist. All week on the way to school we’d been treated to seeing dolphins and again this morning on our way they didn’t disappoint. They’re such cool creatures! However I was definitely happy to be watching them from solid ground… haha

The Dolphin Encounter boats enjoying another morning of dolphins.
Dolphin watching

I saw Bruce again at Podiatry Med. There were no miracle advancements on the foot front like I wanted. I still have the tear. It’s still hurting and healing. I’m not suppose to walk too much on it and I know this (as it soon lets me know) and I am to do no running. In about 4-6 weeks I go back. I’m hoping this is going to be a month of ‘super healing’ – fingers are crossed!! Plus, I’m sick of wearing runners all the time. They’re not only hot in summer, they aren’t at all that dressy.

Anyway I hope you all have a week of highs. And a ‘Big Congrats’ to those that completed Absolute Wilderness. The photos looked awesome. I’m glad the weather played ball for you! I’d liked to have said I’d kept my Training Peaks wheel nice and green, but that didn’t happen for one reason or another, so we’ll just have to see what this week’s one brings!

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see, when you take your eyes off your goals!”

– Lisa Harris

Now that Lisa has completed the 10km Kaikoura Whale Run, she has agreed to continue writing to continue to inspire other people out there to get started and make a positive change. Check in next Tuesday for her next article.

Read Lisa’s last article here:

Lisa’s Journey, Week 38: Ray to the Rescue!

And all her previous articles are stored here:

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