I banged the car door on the pedal of my bike in the shed, when we were leaving the other day. I did think it was probably a sign!! A sign to get on it!
This week has really only consisted of me ‘thinking about’ exercise (which doesn’t really count, unfortunately). My oldest has been brewing something most of week, and is now sick, and my baby turned nine years old… My weeks been fine, it’s just not resulted in much exercise.
My heel is flaring up randomly, but the hips not as sore. So win and lose. I did enter the Marlborough Women’s Tri, to make myself feel like I am still in the game somewhat. Loved the event, and when entering in May it was half price… So a win, win https://www.marlboroughwomenstri.co.nz/
I feel like I’ve hit, or are hitting ‘my yearly’ exercise slump possibly. I’ve worked through many of the ‘slumps’, ‘humps’ and ‘speed bumps’, and I’m sure I will again, but now the weathers colder and the nights are shorter it definitely adds to the battle.

I hope everyone’s training is going well. The fresh new snow, on the hills makes it actually feel like winter’s here. Or at least visually it looks more wintery.
Lisa x
In 2018 Lisa took up the challenge of getting fit to do the 10km Kaikoura Whale Run. That ticked off, she has agreed to continue writing with the hope that she can inspire even the most stubborn (such as herself) to get out there, set challenges and make positive change in their life. No one said it will be easy, but it will be worth it!!
Check in next Tuesday for her next article.
Read Lisa’s last article here:
All her previous articles are stored here: