Lisa’s Journey, Week 57: 1/2 Way…

The years flying by, and only a 180 days till Christmas. I hope you’re now distracted enough by this thought, because I haven’t got too much to report this week… so you’ll be able to get googling potential gifts for those tricky family members…

A couple of short spin bikes, a walk with the dog – you definitely have to keep moving now, to stay warm! And a bike with the school kids. Which was much needed after a morning of supervising kids cooking… I had a ripper headache! But some nice crisp fresh air, while out with the “Bike Club” kids was natures remedy!

#lastraysofsun #coolsofffast

I’ve managed to collect up a few kgs over the last few months which is annoying. Whats with the cold weather and eating. I’ve got a fire to keep warm!! I did spot this tea in the supermarket… ‘Naturally Slim’ by Healtheries… yes once upon a time, many moons ago, I was! I’m not sure what that wee trigger is in the brain when you read things like this. Its almost as if you think all I have to drink this and its going to make me loose weight… I threw it in the shopping trolley non the less…

And the only reason I am sharing, is because its actually really nice. I’m not an overly big fan of herbal teas but this one and ‘Blood Orange’ by Red Seal are good, and they have cute wee quotes on the end of the tag. Good to have a better alternative to tea and coffee, because when its cold I tend to wanna have more hot drinks.

The Whale Run is fast approaching and I’m disappointed that I won’t get a chance to better my last years time. Waiting to get foot sorted, and if we can work out whats wrong with it, and I can, I will possibly walk hopefully jog it. I need to settle myself into some sort of disciplined training!!

I’m stretching the blogs out to fortnightly for a bit. So 58/59 will be coming on the 16 July… Take care, stay warm have a great couple of weeks.

Lisa x

In 2018 Lisa accepted a challenge of getting off the couch to doing a 10km! That completed, she agreed to continue writing, sharing the up and downs of training, injuries and life in general, and hopes that she can inspire even the most stubborn (such as herself) to get out there, and set your own challenges however big or small!

Check in July 16th for her next article.

Read Lisa’s last article here:

All her previous articles are stored here:

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