Only three weeks until the Nelson Half begins, training has been going well, in preparation for the event. I am getting ever more excited as the event gets closer. I really want to do well!
I have been working hard for the last 8 weeks for 1 goal, to beat 75 minutes or 1.15 in the half marathon. This will be my first ever half marathon race, although I have run the distance multiple times during my training for my long runs. Racing though is different. You are running at a faster pace, there is more adrenaline and you have competition all around you, all fighting to do better than you.
I was talking to one of my workmates at work a few days ago and he said to me he was a runner years ago, in his twenties and thirties. He was a little bit faster than what I am currently running, but I am only sixteen and he says I have time. If I beat his PB in the half marathon of 1.15.40 he will be amazed and will write me down as a future athlete.
The favorite part of running is racing and I wish I had organized my time a bit better so I could have done more racing this year. I am still fairly happy about what I have achieved. A couple of new PB’s here and there. But hopefully now I have realized to keep my mind active and to want to keep training I have to race more frequently to give me that buzz of achievement and satisfaction.
“Whats the point in training, if you have nothing to train for.”
A quote by Paul at work
Of course everyone is different and some people like to train more than they do race, which is completely fine and we all have our own opinions. Just find what works for you and just stick to it because you know it works.
I encourage each and everyone of you, to find something you want to do. It can be as small as your local park run or as big as an Ironman. Then work towards this goal to achieve better and accomplish something that will make you feel a sense of pride. Trust me its worth it, the joy you get once you start training and then getting ready for a race is spectacular.
Thank you for listening to my talk about my race coming in about 3 weeks time. I hope you can learn something from some of the points talked about in this article, which can hopefully encourage you to train that extra bit harder for that park run or or enter that half Iron-man.
I will be back next week with some other interesting news, where I will discuss my trip to Auckland.
Cheers Luke Clatworthy (Clatters Chatter)
View last weeks article below:
All Luke’s previous articles can be found here: