Mike’s Middle Distance Magic: Storm or excuse!

A week of ups and downs this week, the week started and I did complete the session, however it didn’t go to plan!

My legs felt awful, really tired and just had nothing. I didn’t give up however and did complete the session. My threshold pace should have been 8:15 to 8:30 per mile and I averaged 9 to 9:20 per mile. I was happy to get the session completed though and just move on to the rest day tuesday

Then it was the threshold bike, I had unfinished business on this the last couple of weeks so really wanted to complete this one and in the right power. My current ftp is 213w and I had this session in of 210w for 20 mins then 10 mins at 140w followed by 210w for another 20 mins. Long story short it’s smashed, absolutely nailed this one and was really happy with it!

Then things started going pear shaped! The swim wasn’t great and was just more a paddle unfortunately. This was supposed to be a time trail of 2000m and a life saving group was using the deep end so the pool was shortened!

Then a storm hit the uk Saturday meaning the long bike and run were scrapped as I was trying to keep my house and garden in tact! So save to say I’m hoping Monday brings a calmer day and a better week!

– Mike Catton

Mike is training for some triathlons and half Ironman in 2020. Check in next Monday for his next article about his training journey.

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