Life in the Peloton

Life in The Peloton: Tour of Southland Stage Three Interview with Michael Torckler

A friend of Qwik Kiwi, Michael Torckler is riding in the Tour of Southland again having ridden in the event seven times previously finishing as high as fourth overall. Michael has previously won the Tour of Wellington on GC and the KOM at the Tour of Utah. We will be publishing a daily interview with Michael after each stage to give you an insight into ‘Life in the Peloton‘.


Life in the Peloton
Michael Torckler crossing the line (copyright James Jubb)

QKCongratulations on both the stage win and riding yourself into YELLOW. How is Team Vantage Doors and Windows celebrating this evening?

MT: Celebration involved a team ice bath in Lake Hayes, haha. Pretty quiet night here, tomorrows going to be a big day.

Tour of Southland
First and Third in the stage, first and second on GC (photo curtesy of Vantage Windows & Doors)

QK: Explain to us how the stage unfolded for both yourself personally, as well as for the rest of Vantage Doors and Windows. It must have been an epic stage with Hamish riding into second on GC and taking third on the stage.

MT: Today went to plan for us, we were able to sit in and conserve energy all day. Then coming into the climb our team mates had us positioned perfectly at the front of the race. Hamish got on the front and sat at a pace he knew he could hold for the climb. This decimated the field leaving just the 2 of us. I was able to pull away on the upper slopes catching the remaining breakaway riders to get the win.

Life in the Peloton
What a great colour Yellow is (photo curtesy of Vantage Windows & Doors)

QK: Tomorrow is also an epic day with 148km finishing at the summit of Bluff Hill. How do you back up after today’s stage tomorrow, what do you do to enhance recovery? Q4: With yourself in yellow and Eric 2nd on GC, how will the team ride to defend these positions?

MT: Ice baths, quality food, massage and lots of sleep. Tomorrow is shaping up to be an epic stage and we be amazing if we can come close to repeating what we did today.

Life in the Peloton
Michael catching his breath after riding into Yellow (copyright James Jubb)

QK: With yourself in yellow and Hamish 2nd on GC, how will the team ride to defend these positions?

MT: The boys will give everything they have to help Hamish and I have the easiest rides possible but its inevitable that we will have to make some big efforts at some. We will ride it like a one day race.

QK: All the best for tomorrow.
Life in the Peloton
Yellow Jersey presentation (Copyright James Jubb)

Here is Michael’s Strava file:

The Vantage Windows & Doors team are sponsored by:

Thanks to the team at Tineli for arranging this interview.

Previous episodes of Life in the Peloton can be found here:

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