Tour of Southland

Life in The Peloton: Tour of Southland Stage Four Interview with Ayden Toovey

A friend of Qwik Kiwi, Ayden Toovey is riding in the Tour of Southland again having ridden in the event previously as an U19 in 2012. We will be publishing a daily interview with Ayden after each stage to give you an insight into ‘Life in the Peloton‘.

QKHow did today’s stage unfold for you and the Tineli Performance Bikewear team?

AT: The stage was hectic from the start with the cross winds. I had an untimely puncture at the end of the neutral but made contact with the bunch just as the winds stared to pick up leaving me in less than ideal position. However I made my way through the groups until reaching the yellow jersey group where I came away with 10th on the stage.

QK: Gordon McCauley described today’s weather as “real Southland weather”, how did the conditions effect your ride today?

AT: haha Gordon’s description is exactly how I would have described today. Very windy, wet, fast and chaotic! The conditions didn’t really effect how I rode just meant I had to rug up a bit more during the rain/hail haha.

QK: You’ve had some big days with a lot of pressure, how is your body holding up? How is the race going overall for you?

AT: Yeah the tour has been quite brutal so far, I think there will be a lot of sore bodies after today’s epic! My bodies holding up alright, a few aching muscles here and there but that all part of racing! The race is going well, staying off on a high and still motivated for another good result over the coming days.

QK: Tomorrow involves 150km to Gore with some hills thrown in towards the end for good measure. What are the plans and tactics you and the rest of the team will employ? How do you see tomorrow’s stage unfolding?

AT: I think tomorrow could potentially be similar to today with Hayden Roulston only 2minutes from the leaders jersey I expect him along with a few others to be active in making the race hard. I think the course will be quite difficult with fatigue starting to set into some riders legs. We’re looking forward to trying to be active towards the front and then try for a result. Keen for the next few days non the less!

The Tineli Performance Bikewear team are sponsored by:

Previous episodes of Life in the Peloton can be found here:

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