Lisa’s Journey, Weeks 60/61: Winter Blues

It seems my struggle is some what real, and the more people you speak to about what they’ve been up too, or how their trainings going, I hear the all too familiar echo of my own struggles, which is actually a relief!

But as all things, it comes to an end… And we all know there’s only one person who can make that happen. Yet again, I’m having to kickstart myself… but I figure as long as you keep restarting its gotta be better than not.

I’ve been completely terrible at maintaining any type of fitness over the last few months and it is really disappointing. I’m reminded most days as the Kaikoura Whale Run approaches… I’m keen to compete again, but it will be a leisurely walk/jog this year, heels still not playing the game 100%. My boy is adamant he’s doing the 10km, he did it with his Dad when he was 7yrs old on the 10th Anniversary. So three years on I’m not even going to try argue him out of it. For those of you who haven’t done it before you should give it a go… “It’s a fun event for everyone!”

Out of curiosity I went back in time to July of 2018… I was consistently running, and stretching. I did do a couple of walk/jogs of similar distance while on holidays, the time wasn’t too far off… they’re just VERY spaced out…

A few things have happened over the last few weeks. And we all know that each and everyone of us reacts in their own way to ‘tension’ – verb: apply force to (something) which tends to stretch it… Lately I’ve been feeling stretched and it is time to start taking an active (no pun intended) role in how I’m going stop that unwanted stretch.

Watch this space…

Lisa x

In 2018 Lisa accepted a challenge of getting off the couch to doing a 10km! That completed, she agreed to continue writing, sharing the up and downs of training, injuries and life in general, and hopes that she can inspire even the most stubborn (such as herself) to get out there, and set your own challenges however big or small!

Check in July 30th for her next article.

Read Lisa’s last article here:

All her previous articles are stored here:

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