Mike’s Middle Distance Magic: Holiday!

Its holiday time but training will continue!

Now with the same as any holiday Zoey has planned it all as it would be a disaster if I did, haha. So in terms of what facilities are at the resort for training I’m not sure.  So with this in mind Ray has put me a run block of training in this week as I do like going for runs in the morning and use it as way to explore new places also.

Now by the time your reading this blog I’ll be basking in the sunshine, beer in hand and hopefully have a good week of run training behind me in a country I’ve never been to. Really looking forward to this and hope it brings my mojo back for the love of training!

– Mike Catton

Mike is training for some triathlons and half Ironman in 2019. Check in next Monday for his next article about his training journey.

Last Weeks Blog from Mike:

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