Andrew Dollar

Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: Half Ironman Surges

The session is a great way to develop your ability to ride a steady state for about 90km (like a half Ironman or 70.3) and be capable of responding to surges.

Each Wednesday I’ll post a Windtrainer Workout that you can do in about 60 minutes to enhance your cycling. See a previous post about training intensity (Levels) to know how hard to work. If you are working directly with Coach Ray he will in most cases prescribe either a Power Zone or Heart Rate Zone to work within if you are training with these tools.

Credit for the inspiration of this workout needs to go to Andrew Dollar of FTP Coaching.

Half Ironman Surges

  • 10min Warm Up Level II;
  • 5x 20sec Level IV, 40sec Level II RI;
  • 17min Level III, then 1min Level IV, 2min Level II RI;
  • 11min Level III, then 1:30min Level IV, 2:30min Level II RI;
  • 5min Level III, then 2min Level IV, 3min Level II RI;
  • 5min Cool Down Level II;
  • 10min Stretching

Start the workout with a warm-up of ten minutes of easy riding at Level II. Then add some higher intensity efforts of 20 seconds to get your heart rate up. Aim for five reps at Level IV for the 20 seconds and then have 40 seconds at Level II as a Rest Interval (RI).

The main set is made up of three repetitions, which get progressively shorter with a longer amount of time at a higher intensity of effort. The first rep is 20 minutes long made up of 17 minutes at Level III then increase to Level IV for one minute.  Complete the 20-minute repetition with two minutes at Level II as a Rest Interval (RI).

The second rep is 15 minutes long and the first eleven minutes is at Level III before surging to Level IV for one minute thirty seconds. Conclude the 15 minutes with two minutes thirty seconds at Level II as a Rest Interval (RI).

The final rep is ten minutes in total and is made up of five minutes at Level III before increasing to Level IV for two minutes with three minutes at Level II as the Rest Interval (RI).

Conclude the ride with a Cool Down of five minutes riding at Level II.

Finish with 10 minutes of stretching to assist with your recovery.

Here is my data from doing the workout:

If you would like further advice feel free to contact me.

I am the Head Coach & Director of Qwik Kiwi – Endurance Sports Consultant.

I specialise in assisting first-timers and recreational athletes to achieve their sporting goals. I can be contacted at and 021 348 729.

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    Do this workout with the Qwik Kiwi Squad Today

    Do this workout today with the Squad.

    Sign up for a full 14-day FREE trial and get complete access to ALL On Demand and Replay workouts (as well as the opportunity to join in on Live workouts when they are being held).

    Simple as 1, 2, 3

    1. Click this link and enter your details including FTP and weight (no cheating).
    2. Select “Full Access Membership” and search for & click on “Martin Gibala Intervals X” in the workout section, then “Start this Workout.
    3. Connect your trainer, power meter, and/or heart rate monitor (make sure they are disconnected from your trainer app, Zwift, Rouvey, etc… first), then come ride with us.

    Unleash Your Potential with Ironman 70.3 Unleashed: Your 24-Week Blueprint

    🏊‍♂️🚴‍♀️🏃‍♂️ Are you ready to conquer the Ironman 70.3 like never before? Welcome to Ironman 70.3 Unleashed: Your 24-Week Blueprint, meticulously crafted by seasoned triathlon coach and athlete, Ray Boardman.

    Designed specifically for intermediate triathletes aiming to excel in their Half Ironman event, this comprehensive training plan is your ticket to achieving your personal best. Drawing on decades of experience and a passion for the sport, Ray has developed a roadmap to not just complete your event but to do so faster and stronger than ever.

    Half Ironman Training

    Over 24 weeks, you’ll progress through carefully structured phases, incorporating swim, bike, and run sessions, along with essential Brick simulations to prepare you for race day. With 3 swims, 2 bike rides, 2 runs, a brick session and a flexibility session each week, you’ll build the strength, endurance, and mental resilience needed for success.

    To make the most of this plan, you should already have a baseline fitness level, including the ability to swim 1,500 meters, bike for 90 minutes, and run for 60 minutes continuously. Additionally, having access to a Power Meter for cycling and a heart rate monitor with a GPS watch for running is recommended.
    But it’s not just about the plan—it’s about the support and guidance you’ll receive along the way. Purchasing this blueprint grants you access to fortnightly coaching calls, where you can tap into Ray’s expertise and get answers to all your training and racing questions.

    🚀 Ready to take your performance to the next level? Purchase Ironman 70.3 Unleashed today and join the ranks of athletes who dare to dream big and achieve even bigger.

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