Lisa’s Journey, Week 52: A Year On…

I just noted the date, and it would seem I started this ‘Journey’ a year ago… I have to say it’s been one interesting, exciting, tiring, impossible feeling, frustrating, self discovering, persuasive, trustworthy insightful, and slightly disappointing year of ‘getting myself fitter’. I’ve almost come full blimmin’ circle. For some reason injuries always managed to show up at just the wrong time for me, but it’s definitely not over.

I blew the cobwebs off the bike midweek and went for a jaunt, while the boy was at rugby training… It was nice not to have a bunch of stuff needing doing, and just have some ‘me’ time, time to get some wind on the face, and just enjoy the ‘ride’.

These photos are really just for proof of 1. that I was on a bike, and 2. it wasn’t just taken sitting in the shed. I biked up the forrest track and didn’t have to stop, which I must say surprised me! My heart rate was NOT in zone, sorry Ray, but there was no way I was having the lady I’d passed at the start, walking… catch me up!!!

I’ve lost my consistency with training, that’s been obvious, you get so busy with other ‘stuff’, and I stopped making time for my biking, which in turn has lead to very minimal training. I don’t feel I sit around, and have lost all fitness, but the motivation is just lulling a little. But that’s all it is, is a lull, and once I sort my my shit out and my foot out I’m hoping it’ll come back again!

Enjoy your week, whatever you’re doing.

Lisa x

In 2018 Lisa took up the challenge of getting fit to do the 10km Kaikoura Whale Run. That ticked off, she has agreed to continue writing with the hope that she can inspire even the most stubborn (such as herself) to get out there, set challenges and make positive change in their life. No one said it will be easy, but it will be worth it!!

Check in next Tuesday for her next article.

Read Lisa’s last article here:

All her previous articles are stored here:

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