Lisa’s Journey, Weeks 64/65: Shortest Blog Ever…

These last couple of weeks have been with my kids, which is great. Its just unfortunate they had come down with the dreaded lurgs that have been doing the rounds… So nothing to report really. It’s just nice to be able to see the kids back to their happier-selves and routine return.

I am going to wind these blogs up for a bit. And hope to continue on this journey, down the track. So look out for my next one later on in the year.

Cheers, Lisa x

Lisa agreed to share the up and downs of training, injuries and life in general. And hopes that even that even if one person can relate to her story, and to get out there, and set some of their own challenges however big or small, then this has all been worth it!

Read Lisa’s last article here:

All her previous articles are stored here:

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