Mike’s Middle Distance Magic: Ups and Downs!

This week’s gone pretty quickly if I’m honest, to think its time again for me to write a blog. I was like ahhh, what can I write! A few things have come to mind and I have had a few good and bad points to the week which I think could be of interest!

I’m going to start with the bad point so I end the blog on a good note! My long bike and long run I didn’t complete this week. I could do a blog on its own of how my bike has been poorly since the 70.3 and needing to beg/borrow or steal bikes the last couple of weeks to complete sessions. Well due to complications on my bike I didn’t receive it back on the Sunday so I had no bike to complete the bike session unfortunately. Then as the run is a strict 8:30 to 10:30pm slot and it being the only time I could of got the bike back that resulted in another red session and two in a row!

Unfortunately these things happen, I couldn’t control them and there is no point dwelling on them and letting the effect the rest of the week!

Which brings me onto the positives of the week, this was the first week I’ve had some tough interval bike and run sessions, I have had these sessions before and I do really like them despite turning me inside out and being a sweaty mess on the floor after! If I recall correctly it was around February I last completed these sessions. As I was keen to better my power/ times or at least match them being the first time doing these after a lot of endurance and zone 2 training. So I’m really pleased to say I smashed my previous times on the 800m repeats, bettering my splits by 5 seconds on average across the 6 efforts, which is hopefully just the start. Then the bike intervals I completed at 264w average for the 5 repeats which is my best power for that duration and like the running is only the start to the build up to the next couple of races.

I’m feeling good, performing well and actually have two wheels to train and race on, so happy days. Let’s bring on the next weeks training

– Mike Catton

Check out last weeks article here

Last weeks blog

All his previous articles are stored here


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