UltraHumps: Time For A Break

Hi blog followers, and welcome to another blog from Qwik Kiwi’s UltraHumps (John Humphries). Don’t let the title confuse you, just let it capture your interest. No I am not taking a ‘break from Qwik Kiwi’ or a ‘break from training’, just a ‘break from work, and a quick (qwik) break for ‘one’ blog…’

1000 Km Run/Walk Challenge (All for this free T-Shirt)

With being overseas for more than half a year and away from family, you simply have to keep family as your focal point, as such my break is simply a break in writing a blog next week. My wife will be joining me for a short holiday of 10 days and I will be staying away from the key board. In other words, if she is coming halfway around the world it wouldn’t be fair on her for me to be distracted elsewhere. So one might be thinking, but yeah I’ve read your blogs, how are you going to continue with the 4 x Challenges you have going on the spot…

A Love Hate Relationship with the Exercise Cycle…
A Love Hate Relationship with the Treadmill…

Simple, I’d probably get under her skin and she would drop into conversation “haven’t you got some training to do” and that would be my cue to sneak out the door. Or her being of the shopping gender (I’m in trouble now), a man can only spend so many hours in a shopping mall. But in all honesty, she enjoys training with me, yeah not for as many hours, but we generally enjoy hitting the gym for an hour or so each morning together when away, so we’ll be hitting these blasted treadmills or these exercise cycles to add the km’s towards the challenges.

194,914 Ft Jacobs Ladder Challenge (All for this free T-Shirt)

The challenges that I can use them for is Challenge # 1 being the 1000 Km Run/Walk Challenge and Challenge # 4 of getting from my deployment location back to NZ (adding to my teams totals). The Challenge # 2 of the Jacobs Ladder won’t happen, and with being on holiday I am not sure how Challenge # 3 of the 12 Week Body For Life Challenge will go (I can see Coach Ray rolling his eyes back now).

So apologies team, there will be a UltraHumps: Time For A Break with no blog forth coming on 23 July 2019. Stay tuned as I pick up the pace upon my return. Regards John Humphries, aka UltraHumps.

Humps will be writing weekly as he continues his journey raising funds for Charitable causes.

Read Humps article from last week here:

All his previous articles are stored here:


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