ULTRAHUMPS: Pushes Reset

Hi Blog Followers. and welcome to yet another Blog. In this blog I will discuss how I failed at a Challenge, well in reality I didn’t fail as I did lose weight in the 12 Week Body For Life Challenge, which was my Challenge # 3 out of 4 Challenges which I have on the go at present, but the results say…

So 12 Weeks ago I rocked up to the scales in the Gym and was disappointed that I was now weighing in at 80 Kg (personal detail / info I know), my first Ironman I had dropped from just shy of 90 Kg to 68 Kg after 12 months of training and pretty much maintained that weight for my first Ultraman weigh in a few years later. Admittedly I had fluctuated by 2-3 Kg in the interim but always applied myself. The ultimate weight for my height and age (the later I guess comes into the equation) is between 70-72 Kg’s with a height of 172 cm on a good day, maybe 170 cm on a bad day, and I now clock in at 53 years young.

I turned my back on this stuff 5 years ago, and will never return, and know I won’t.

When I looked at the scale of 80 Kg, I thought WTF, and said as much out loud. Something had to change, I was still training, hadn’t drunk alcohol for 5 years and vowed I never will again, but just couldn’t kick the delicious versus nutricious habit. So I attempt to do a 12 Week Challenge and lost 8 Kg by the half-way mark, game on I thought, but then I went on holiday and put 6 Kg back on, once again WTF!

A Gordon Ramsay Burger, simply self-discipline out the door!

How to fix it, PUSH RESET on the 12 Week Body For Life Challenge. It’s like anything in life, you make a mistake or get something wrong, it’s how you deal with it. So first week into it, I walk past the fridge full of sugar (chocolate and soft drinks, etc). I walk past the desert bar in the Mess. I look at the food and select accordingly. One thing that Coach Ray and those that know me is I am stubborn git, and whilst I didn’t achieve what I wanted out of my first 12 Week Challenge, I know I will focus and smash this one. Yeah I lost weight, but in my eyes I threw the results away, failed, and will restart. It will be like having a DNF at a sports event, it’s what you do about it, you can throw your running shoes away, or put them back on and return.

Never Give Up!
12 Week Body For Life Challenge # 2

I once read a quote for during an event: “Pain is with you until you finish, if you don’t finish pain is with you forever”. Ultra events challenge the mental resilience, I know if I ever pull out of an event, the moment I take my running shoes off I will live with it, live with that pain, if I keep going I live with a smile at the finish line and happiness forever. Never had a DNF yet, but will return and turn the table around on my 12 Week Challenge. So stay tuned team as I keep you posted on how it goes…regards John Humphries (Aka Humps, Aka UltraHumps)!

Humps will be writing weekly as he continues his journey raising funds for Charitable causes.

Read Humps article from last week here:

All his previous articles are stored here:


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