Auckland Half Marathon

As part of the Qwik Kiwi Tribe I have a range of Training Plans available for people wanting to tackle a Marathon or Half Marathon.

Marathon Programmes:

These programmes will build your fitness from where it currently is to allow you success with your respective Marathon. Programmes available for Beginners and Intermediate runners, covering the spectrum from 12 weeks to 24 weeks depending on when your event occurs.

Click here to checkout the options.

Fartlek WorkoutHalf Marathon Programmes:

These programmes will build your fitness from where it currently is to allow you success with your respective Marathon. Programmes available for Beginners and Intermediate runners, covering the spectrum from 12 weeks to 24 weeks depending on when your event occurs.

Click here to checkout the options.

Running with PowerRunning Power Meters:

If you train with a Running Power Meter, I have Training Plans available for you as well.

Click here to check out options.

As part of the Qwik Kiwi Tribe you are a full member of our community and are invited to join the rest of the squad on Group Coaching Calls fortnightly.