Swim Sessions

Are you a regular fitness swimmer?

Do you struggle to find inspiration for a swim workout?

Due to a request to put together a year long training programme for a group of swimmers, I’m now launching Swim 365 to everyone else.

It might be you take the lead for a group of friends who swim together. Maybe you plan the training for a local masters group. Maybe you swim by yourself and need some inspiration for some workouts each week.

Each session will develop all round swimming fitness by improving aerobic efficiency, Distance Per Stroke (DPS), swim speed, lactate tolerance and/or threshold pace.

There will be options: three of them, Option A is for swimmers who are after a workout between 1,000 & 2,000 metres. Option B is for swimmers who are after a workout between 2,000 & 3,000m and Option C will be greater than 3,000m.

All up, I’ll supply you with three options of three different workouts, that’s nine options each week. 468 options over the whole year

How Much Would You Expect To Pay For A Service Like This?

  • Normally I charge $199 per month for a training plan. That adds up to a value of $2,388 for the year.
  • Add in a one on one consultation (valued at $120) for FREE.
  • Plus a fortnightly group consultation (valued at $20), that’s a total of $520.
  • And on top of that I’m also including my popular ebook “12 Weeks to an Ironman Swim PB – Swim Faster With Smart Training” value $37.
  • That’s a total of $3,065 that I provide as part of the Swim 365 package.

If I was to do this for $999 for the year that would offer great value, but I’m not. $999

What about $499? That is sensational value, NO, I’m not charging that. $499

How about $297? Offering exceptional value

I’m going to do this for over 90% off at $199 (saving you $2,866) …….why would I do that?

  • Well it’s the silly season for starters (compliments of the season to you by the way),
  • And I’ve already done the work, I don’t need to do any further work to deliver it to you, and
  • I want you to get better at swimming. Who knows one day you might want a personalised plan from me.

But for today only I’m going to do this whole package for you for $199!!!! YES, that’s right $199 for a full year of swim training plans. $199 for 468 workout options. SAVING YOU $2,866 today only.

100% Money Back Guarantee

What have you got to lose? I stand behind my 30 day 100% money back guarantee.

Try it for a month and if you don’t like it, let me know and I’ll give you your money back, 100% of it. I’ll even let you keep the eBook (it’s not like I can take it back off your computer anyway).

Sign Up NOW