Monday’s Brick: Chris Foster’s Brick 3

Brick sessions are a great training session to help develop the neuromuscular system to prepare you for future events (as well as future training sessions). Not only that but you will get a great physiological training stimulus. This workout develops your bike neuromuscular power, combined with an aerobic run and it is perfect to build your off season fitness for sprint and Olympic Distance Triathlons.

Each week I will post Monday’s Brick session that you can do to enhance your triathlon performance. For a full understanding of my Level’s intensity system, please read my previous articles about intensity for cycling and running.

The inspiration for this workout comes from a Chris Foster‘s book The Triathlete Guide to Sprint & Olympic Triathlon Racing.

Chris Foster’s Brick 3
  • Bike
    • 30min WU Level II;
    • 3sets of:
      • 20x 15sec Level V++, 15sec Level II RI;
      • 5min Level II Between Sets;
    • 20min Level II;
  • Run
    • 20min CD Level II;
  • 10min Stretching

Start on the bike with a twenty-minute Warm Up (WU) at Level II.

The main set is made up of three sets.

Each set is made up of twenty, fifteen-second reps at Level V++, aim for at least 150% of your Functional Threshold Power. Take a short fifteen-second Rest Interval (RI) at Level I after each effort.

Between sets spin at Level II for five minutes.

Conclude the ride with twenty minutes at Level II.

Transition onto the run and straight into a twenty-minute run at Level II.

Finish with 10 minutes of stretching to assist with the recovery.

Read more about the benefits of brick sessions here:

I am the Head Coach and Director of Qwik Kiwi – Endurance Sports Consultant.

I specialise in assisting first-timers and recreational athletes in achieving their sporting goals. I can be contacted at and 021 348 729.

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    Get my 20 week Intermediate Sprint Triathlon Training Plan with 25% off

    Maybe you’ve qualified for the ITU World AG Sprint Champs, or maybe you are wanting to qualify for the ITU World AG Champs, or maybe just want to race, and RACE as HARD as you can in 20 weeks. This programme will see you racing fit, through optimised data from both running and cycling power.

    Designed for Intermediate triathletes who are wanting to race to the best of their abilities, the primary goal of this training plan is to prepare you to COMPLETE YOUR sprint tri as FAST as you can.

    Starting 20 weeks before your race, this plan progresses through phases to build you to your peak performance. Each week typically contains 3x swims, 2x runs, 2x bikes and 1x brick session. Although not necessary, I recommend using a heart rate monitor in conjunction with a GPS watch (such as a Garmin) & a running power meter (such as a Stryd). This programme is built around training by Power Meter for cycling running.

    When purchasing, use the discount code “web25” to claim your 25% discount.

    Purchase of this plan gives you access to my fortnightly coaching calls where you can ask me any training or racing related questions.

    When purchasing, use the discount code “web25” to claim your 25% discount.

    The Triathlete Guide to Sprint and Olympic Triathlon Racing will help you discover the speed, thrill, and challenge of triathlon’s most popular race distances.

    Not everyone has time to train for long-course triathlons. By pursuing triathlon’s shorter distances, you can enjoy all the total body fitness benefits of the swim-bike-run sport and discover the unique challenges of short-course racing all while enjoying a life outside of training.

    This complete guide from former pro triathletes Chris Foster and coach Ryan Bolton shares all the know-how you need to find speed and enjoy successful racing in sprint and Olympic-distance triathlons. Foster, now the Senior Editor of Triathlete magazine, shares his pro advice for how to set a smart race strategy, how to master triathlon pacing, how to execute fast transitions, how to train to improve your weakness and race to your strengths. Bolton offers smart, effective sprint and Olympic triathlon training plans so you can get started right away, no matter your background.

    Sprint and Olympic triathlons are triathlon’s most popular distances for good reasons. Experienced triathletes returning to the short course will enjoy a break from long, slow hours of training and rediscover the joy of speed. Active people looking for a new challenge can jump right into triathlon’s most beginner-friendly distances.

    The Triathlete Guide to Sprint and Olympic Triathlon Racing makes it simple to get back up to speed in the world’s most rewarding endurance sport.

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