I’m currently half a week into my summer school and I already am feeling the load, learning a subject I wasn’t taught properly and to learn so quickly is a lot but I know it’s worth the bulk learning in the long run when it’s time to complete the paper in a few months time.
Having the change of location has made my training interesting and challenging all at the same time. Never did I think I would miss the roads of all things back at home, open, quiet and wide right out the door of my house. Here I have to go down the elevator, to my bike, unlock it and ride through crossing and narrow streets interrupting my usual consistency.
I haven’t been able to explore too much but have at the same time seen so much, the path for both cyclist and pedestrians around both sides of the Harbour is so beautiful when out of the industrial section.
My only complaint being the wind which seems to always be one directional heavy making you feel stationary with all power. Having to adapt to the location has been doable as I enjoy a change of scenery and location but the change in life workload and mental capacity has changed, from being drained from work is different to drained from study and making sure I study enough to keep up but also get enough rest to train is tough, so far I’ve been able to keep it balanced but I know the weekends is where I need to make sure I recover at the same time as long train without the study between, having the summer school allows me to be in the head space of study once the semester start so I’m hoping the transition is slightly smoother.
I think the more time I spend here the more normal and comfortable everything will seem, but for now I will keep trying to balance my time with study and rest to train at my best. I’ve ordered new shoes and new wind trainer to help with my normal training so I’m excited to start to incorporate them and keep my training on the increase as the time towards racing nears.
– Jessica Bray
Hey Jessica!
Im one of the Hill City University Club committee members (and a member of the senior womens team) down here in Dunedin and we are looking for some new senior women for this winter season! Particularly for the relay events which are held in May/June. I believe you can arrange to be a member of more than one club if you still run for your own club during summer! We have a great wee club with strong ties to the university and colleges. If you would be keen please flick me an email 🙂
Hi Taryn, Jessica’s is coach here. I’ll pass this message on to her but she has already joined Leith.