Run Workouts for Qwik Kiwi Tribe Programmes

Welcome to the Qwik Kiwi tribe for you respective event. Here is where you will find descriptions of the run workouts you will find within…

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Training for your First Triathlon Step 1: Choose an Event to do

Here is how to take your first step to doing your first triathlon and it is easier than you think.

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Christchurch Marathon and Half Marathon

Gerard is training hard as he prepares for the World 70.3 Triathlon Championships, this involves swimming 1900m then cycling 90km prior to finishing with a half marathon. As part of his goal setting for the world champs he set a number of goals, one of which was to run sub 1:20hr for a half marathon. We targeted the Christchurch Half Marathon to achieve this goal. This is his story about how it went for him:

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Welcome to Qwik Kiwi: Measuring Intensity

For those that are using either power for cycling, pace for running, or heart rate. Your training zones can be found within Training Peaks. If…

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Welcome to Qwik Kiwi: Communciation

Like any good relationship the coach:athlete relationship requires communication that goes both ways. It is important that you communicate with your coach. They will touch…

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John Humphries

Qwik Kiwi & Ray Boardman Get Results – Ironman 2015

Firstly, Ray Boardman hasn’t asked me for an article on how my first Ironman went under his guidance as a Client / Coach.  However, I wanted to write an article to acknowledge the results he gets, most likely results not just for myself but for all his clients that he gives 100% commitment.

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Suzy Monds

The High Five-0 Challenge for Mental Health

I first met Mal Law 4 or so years ago at a running event and was introduced by a mutual friend. To be in the company of one of New Zealand’s top adventure runners was awe inspiring to say the least, but I soon realised he was a very down to earth and humble person, actually a real nice bloke.

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From Timor to Tauranga

I was posted to Timor-Leste with the NZ Army and had completed three Ironman events where I completely self-coached with no idea what I was doing and finishing results that said as much.  Two of these events I had trained and competed in whilst on holiday leave from Timor.  I quickly realised that if I wanted to be committed to the sport that had changed my life around, I needed to take it seriously and sign up with a coach.  There are plenty of coaches to look for online or cheekily obtain a training programme online, but I had already made up my mind that Ray Boardman was the coach I wanted from Qwik Kiwi.

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