Sometimes it just feels good to sweat it out!!! Fitness wise, it HAS been a better week!! (Large sigh of relief). After not having done a lot, I was feeling better and my first bike ride felt great. It was the fastest time for that particular block and I felt so much better in myself! Like, SO MUCH BETTER!
We headed to Blenheim on Friday, so I decided Saturday morning, I’d get up early and run before the the day heated up, only to realise I’d left my bloody running tights and top at home. I had brought everything else, bra, socks and shoes, however used alone would be a little inappropriate. So I had to go and buy some! I couldn’t afford not too, as I didn’t want to damage this ‘better week’ of training and I was mostly in the ‘green’ pie-chart wise. After I’d spend what seemed like hours trolling the aisles I was starving!
For some reason I have a thing for open steak sandwiches at the moment as my go to lunch when I am out. It may well be the big lump of protein in the middle, who knows, but with no kids in tow, it feels all a bit weird being able to sit – quietly and chew my food just relaxing while eating lunch. Out on the verandah at Dolce was a perfect spot. There was hardly anyone about and I got to do all three on a perfect blue bird day. It’s not all that bad being a ‘Nigel no friends’! I didn’t once have to chip the kids and took the time to chew and digest my food! I love my kids more than anything in this world, but sometimes I love the alone time too!
Home, gear on (all of it), run already mapped out in my head, and gone! It’s been my first longer run in a couple weeks, but man I was chuffed. Not too sure if it’s good on the ‘chart’, but I ran the whole way. It was hot and blimmin’ windy. My endorphins were flowing! {featured heading photo}

The kids went swimming before we left, Ray, I touched the water (with my fingers), it was nice. I feel it was a successful first introduction for the triathlon training! Umm yeah? Nah!
Home from Blenheim and in my true style I got busy with ‘other stuff’ and left my bike till later. At the beginning of ride it was a lovely warm night. Halfway through it was so quiet and calm. The end of ride – NEVER AGAIN!
I started off in daylight, which faded fast. The last shingle road was negotiated following the tiny (you left it late again now you’re relying on this tiny beam of light to get home) backup bike light. I see a light up ahead and true to fashion my heart starts to beat faster and when I realise it’s a car parked up on the side of the road I have that ‘holy shit’ moment, and OMG there’s some peeps sitting in it, and as I get nearer they turn their inside light out. Flippin heck the last bit is up a hill! Is the first thing to jump to mind? Do I stop and get my phone out just incase? No that’ll take too much time! Have they turned to follow me? Should I jump off and hide in the bushes? I have never biked so fast up that hill so darn fast in my life. I actually don’t remember it! No more night rides!
Oh man you’re [Ray] busy overseas and are still ‘watching’. You’re like a coach version of ‘Big Brother’ (I’m sure I’m not the first to refer to you as that!). You are a very dedicated coach, which keeps us on our toes! So thanks! I’m not sure what’s in this ‘envelope’ you plan to ‘push’, but the suspense is killing me! However, I think I am kinda ready for another challenge. I wouldn’t want to get too comfortable doing what I’m doing!
– Lisa Harris
Now that Lisa has completed the 10km Kaikoura Whale Run, she has agreed to continue writing to continue to inspire other people out there to get started and make a positive change. Check in next Tuesday for her next article.
Read Lisa’s article from last week here:
Lisa’s Journey, Week 21: Next week… will be a better week!!!
And all her previous articles are stored here: