Its that time again, a race is coming up. I have been invited to join a team to do the Queen Charlotte Relay in Picton NZ this Saturday. This will be my first race for a while and I am pretty excited. This will tell me how good my fitness is and what I need to work on in order to get faster and try achieve my goal of winning or beating 1:15 in the half marathon.
In this article this week I will talk about the race, how I am feeling, how training is going and a brief summary of whats next?
The race is in Picton, and is a 5 person relay. The distance of each leg ranges from 5.6km to about 9km. The race goes from Picton all the way to Havelock, which is about 42 miles. I will be in the second leg which is 8.6km, the second longest leg, which will be interesting.

At the moment I am starting to feel better as I am more energized and am not getting as tired because of low Iron. Training has gone well this week and I feel this race will be a good test of my current fitness to see how fast I can run, in preparation for the half.
I have been trying to keep consistent and try to run quite a lot because the more you do something the better you get at it.
I have been puzzled into two minds recently as to what I want to do. Running or Triathlon? I could be good at either if I put my work towards them. After talking to some old NZ Olympians, in running. They said you can easily change if you don’t like it or your good enough to be a runner into a triathlete if I wanted to.

I think for now I want to try continue with running for the next couple of years to see if I can get a scholarship in America and even better become a pro. If this doesn’t work out and I don’t like it, I can simply finish that year get my degree and change back into triathlon.
These next 2 years are going to be a lot of hard work if I want a scholarship but I’ll have to train well and effectively prepare and manage my time and work hard to achieve everything as well as running.
Hope you have enjoyed listening to my little talk about my future for the next couple of years, I will update on this to see how I am going with it, and anything that occurs.
Hopefully we can win this relay race in a few days time!
– Luke Clatworthy (Clatters Chatter)
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