Cycling Coach

Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: 12 Days of Christmas

This session is a great way to develop your pedalling efficiency. Perfect for draft-legal triathletes, road cyclists and mountain bikers.

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Windtrainer Sesison

Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: Evan’s Cycles Short but Intense Intervals III

Your VO2 Max is the upper limit of your aerobic capability. You will tap into this intensity when exerting at your maximum. The more you expose your body to this intensity in training the better, faster and fitter you will become. This is a perfect workout for for all cyclists including mountain bikers and triathletes.

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Windtrainer Session

Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: Evan’s Cycles Short but Intense Intervals II

Your VO2 Max is the upper limit of your aerobic capability. You will tap into this intensity when exerting at your maximum. The more you expose your body to this intensity in training the better, faster and fitter you will become. This is a perfect workout for for all cyclists including mountain bikers and triathletes.

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Windtrainer Session

Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: Evan’s Cycles Short but Intense Intervals

Your VO2 max is the upper limit of your aerobic capability. You will tap into this intensity when exerting at your maximum. The more you expose your body to this intensity in training the better, faster and fitter you will become. This is a perfect workout for for all cyclists including mountain bikers and triathletes.

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Windtrainer Session

Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: Evan’s Cycles FTP Increaser 4

Your FTP is your ability to sustain an effort for about an hour. Your long endurance riding is done at a percentage below this. If you Increase your FTP with intervals of this nature by default you also improve your ability to ride for longer. This is a perfect workout for for all cyclists including mountain bikers and triathletes.

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Windtrainer Session

Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: Evan’s Cycles FTP Increaser 3

Your FTP is your ability to sustain an effort for about an hour. Your long endurance riding is done at a percentage below this. If you Increase your FTP with intervals of this nature by default you also improve your ability to ride for longer. This is a perfect workout for for all cyclists including mountain bikers and triathletes.

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Windtrainer Workout

Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: Evan’s Cycles FTP Increaser 2

Your FTP is your ability to sustain an effort for about an hour. Your long endurance riding is done at a percentage below this. If you Increase your FTP with intervals of this nature by default you also improve your ability to ride for longer. This is a perfect workout for for all cyclists including mountain bikers and triathletes.

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Cycling Session

Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: Evan’s Cycles Power Burst

This workout develops a number of physiological traits. There is a steady state portion of the workout that builds your ability to maintain an aerobic effort. Then there is a high intensity portion that will surge lactic acid levels within the blood, before a very brief recovery prior to doing it all again. This is a perfect workout for for all cyclists including mountain bikers and triathletes.

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Windtrainer Session

Wednesday Windtrainer Workout:’s Sweetspot Session

The ability to maintain a steady state high intensity effort. This is the effort that you maintain in a 40km Time Trial or similar. This workout will build your ability to sustain a higher intensity and develop tolerance to lactic acid. This is a perfect workout for for all cyclists including mountain bikers and triathletes.

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Windtrainer Session

Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: Cycling Weekly’s Threshold Session

This session focuses and builds your ability to maintain a high steady pace effort. This is a perfect workout for for all cyclists including mountain bikers and triathletes.

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